While appearing distinctly contemporary and almost European in design this flagship AVÉORA showroom kitchen in fact, draws deeply on New Zealand heritage and ecology. AOTEAROA- meaning ‘Land of the Long White Cloud’, described the overwhelming impression of the earliest voyagers to New Zealand. They recount seeing a long white cloud by day and a long bright cloud by night (http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/1966/aotearoa), hanging over the islands of New Zealand, guiding them to a place of beauty and plenty.
AVÉORA’s ‘Long White’ captures the essence of this impression, portraying it in contemporary, three dimensional form. Spherical lights by New Zealand glass blower Katie Brown are suspended above a stunning marble backbone featuring a stained wooden outcrop and luscious plantings which flow to metallic benches and sparkling water spouts.
In a final and contemporary nod to those who still view Aotearoa from the ocean the kitchen incorporates AVÉORA’s signature carbon fibre handles, designed by Principal Designer, Wim de Bruin.
View Long White to discover its functional and aesthetic beauty at Kouzina showroom – location in Contact Us.
Kitchen and Cabinetry Design
Wim de Bruin
FotoArte – Kevin Smith
Mitchell Collins
Wim de Bruin
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